Martin Siegert教授专程从英国前来,代表英国帝国理工学院(格兰瑟姆气候变化与环境研究所)对气候变化的最新情况发表主旨演讲,随后与各界专家就气候变化的挑战和解决方案进行专题讨论。
Hear the latest in climate change science at a keynote presentation by Professor Martin Siegert, Co-Director of the Grantham Institute, Imperial College, followed by a panel discussion with experts.
The seminar is co-hosted by the Imperial College Alumni Association of East China and Bee Associates, and is supported by the British Council( Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate General), and British Consulate-General Shanghai.
The science reality of climate change
Date: 07 Jun 2017 Wed 13:30 - 17:30
Venue: Diamond Room, 2/F Langham Hotel Xintiandi Shanghai
99 Madang Road,Shanghai
13.30: 注册签到
13.50: 欢迎致辞
14.05: Siegert教授主旨演讲
15.30: 专家小组讨论
13.30: Registration and sign in
13.50: Welcome
14.05: Keynote presentation by Professor Siegert
15.15: Coffee break
15.30: Panel discussion
16.30: Open Q&A with panel
随着气候和环境辩论进入公共和政治讨论的关键时期,显然我们需要更坚实的科学证据来为未来的政策提供信息。 Martin Siegert 教授将依据他和格兰瑟姆气候变化与环境研究所的广泛研究,来概述可以论证气候变化的主要科学发现和依据。 Siegert 教授同时也会介绍气候变化对人类社会所带来的重大挑战,并对一些现有的减缓性措施和适应性措施进行解读。
Keynote synopsis:
The science reality of climate change
As climate and environmental debates enter a crucial period of public and political discussion, there is a clear need for solid scientific evidence to inform future policies. Professor Martin Siegert will outline the main scientific findings that evidence climate change, drawn from his and the Grantham Institute’s extensive research. Professor Siegert will identify where he thinks the key climate change issues lie, he’ll cover some of the mitigation strategies available and he will explore the adaptation challenges they pose.
参加小组讨论的专家除了Martin Siegert教授之外,还有中国极地研究中心中国极地研究中心副主任孙波博士孙波等。该小组讨论将由关志华先生主持。
Panel discussion synopsis:
The implications of climate change: what role can we play?
How will climate change impact weather patterns, sea levels, transport, and the financial world? How will it impact Shanghai? China? The globe? More importantly, what can we do about it?
Following Professor Siegert’s presentation, a panel of experts will explore the innovative scientific technologies that can reduce greenhouse gases and lessen the impact of climate change. Many institutions, including Imperial, are developing solutions that are cheap, could make our lives easier, and crucially, can lead to financial gain. The panel will have a particular focus on Shanghai and China.
With Professor Martin Siegert, Dr Sun Bo, Deputy Director of the Polar Research Institute of China, and other distingushed guests. The panel will be chaired by Johnny Kwan (Chemical Engineering 1978, MSc Management Science 1979).
主讲人:Martin Siegert教授
Martin Siegert教授(FRSE爱丁堡皇家学会会员)自2014年5月起一直担任帝国理工格兰瑟姆气候变化与环境研究所Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment的联席主任。格兰瑟姆候变化与环境研究所的使命是推动气候与环境相关的研究,并将这些研究成果转化为对现实世界的影响。
此前,他曾任英国布里斯托大学布里斯托尔冰川研究中心主任(现为访问教授),英国爱丁堡大学地球科学学院院长(现任名誉教授)。他领导了“南极埃尔斯沃思湖联盟” - 这是一个由英国自然环境研究委员会(UK-NERC)资助的计划,旨在探索位于西南极洲冰川下的一个大型冰下湖。他已经进行了三次南极极地考察项目,利用地球物理学来对冰下地形进行分析和测量,以了解南极和地球其它地区过去发生的变化。
在2013年,他因在制定南极科学与政策中的卓越贡献而荣获“Martha T. Muse奖”,2007年他入选为爱丁堡皇家学会会员。
Professor Martin Siegert
Professor Martin Siegert FRSE has been the Co-Director of the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment since May 2014. The Grantham Institute’s mission is to drive climate and environment-related research and translate this knowledge into real-world impact.
Previously, he was Director of the Bristol Glaciology Center at Bristol University, where he is now a visiting Professor, and Head of the School of GeoSciences at Edinburgh University, where he now holds an Honorary Professorship. He leads the Lake Ellsworth Consortium - a UK-NERC funded programme that aims to explore a large subglacial lake beneath the ice of West Antarctica. He has undertaken three Antarctic field seasons, using geophysics to measure the subglacial landscape and to understand what it tells us about past changes in Antarctica and elsewhere.
In 2013 he was awarded the Martha T. Muse Prize for excellence in Antarctic science and policy, and in 2007 he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Read more about Professor Siegert's work
Johnny Kwan关志华先生1975至1979年间在伦敦帝国理工大学学习,获得技术与发展工程理学硕士学位 ;社会与经济学DIC文凭 ;化学工程荣誉理学学士学位。关志华是蜂至工坊的创始人兼董事长,曾任巴斯夫大中华区董事长 BASF Greater China. 他是帝国理工学院商学院校友顾问委员会成员 Alumni Advisory Board. 他同时是联合国全球契约中国网络主席团成员Global Compact China Network.
Johnny Kwan (Chemical Engineering 1978, MSc Management Science 1979)
Johnny Kwan is the Founder and Chairman of Bee Associates and the Former Chairman of BASF Greater China. Johnny is a member of the Imperial College Business School's Alumni Advisory Board. He is also a Presidium member of the United NationsGlobal Compact China Network.
Read more about Johnny's career